Editorial Board members serve as a working group to establish goals, direction, and policy recommendations for AANN’s Clinical Practice Guidelines Series.
Editorial Board members are recommended by the Editor and appointed by the AANN President for a term of at least 3 years. Editorial Board members may be reappointed for a second term.
Responsibilities are as follows:
- Attend and participate in all editorial Board meetings
- Ensure quality of guidelines aligns with national standards in guideline development
- Serve as resource and advocate for guideline development methodologies, including but not limited to GRADE methodology
- Oversee annual reviews of existing CPGs
- Assist in the development of annual reports and recommendations to the AANN Board of Directors
- Maintain open communication
- Guide and mentor CPG development and revision groups to maintain integrity and continuity during the AANN CPG development and revision process
- Serve as CPG Editorial Board Liaison with various working groups throughout the term
- Keeps apprised of major health care and neuroscience nursing trends to assure the guideline reflects the state-of-the-science.
Qualifications include:
- Volunteer history with AANN
- Doctorate in Nursing (preferred)
- Experience in scientific writing, editing and guideline development
- Experience with GRADE methodology and systematic review processes (preferred)
- Demonstrates ability to lead an interdisciplinary team across geographic distances
- Adept at using various communication and documentation technologies
- Excellent communication and conflict resolution skills
- Expertise in current standards of guideline development and publication process
- Current AANN member
To apply for the CPG Editorial Board, please prepare the following and submit through the NeuroNetwork:
- Professional CV or Resume that includes the following:
- Name and Credentials
- E-Mail Address
- Phone Number
- Professional and volunteer experience
- Your past experience writing and/or reviewing a clinical practice guideline
- Any other Publication Credits
- History of volunteer experience with AANN
- Personal statement outlining previous clinical and writing experiences and reason(s) for your interest in joining the CPG Editorial Board.
- 2 letters of support
Ready to apply for this opportunity? Please upload your CV/Resume, statement of interest, and 2 letters of support. If you have any questions, please contact Joey Maginot at jmaginot@aann.org.